Once upon a time, my mother bought me a Red Chief Tablet and a fat pencil. Both of these items were supposed to be for school, but I flipped to the first page and wrote a story. Ever since that day, even though I graduated to notebooks, binders, and computers – I’ve been writing stories. Some of them were published as nonfiction articles and later – nonfiction books. Some of them I crafted as short stories and later – novels.
“But whether I’m working in my office, sitting at a traffic light, or observing the intricacies of people – I’m always writing.”
RJ Thesman
Bio: As an author, editor, and writing coach, my credits include :
- 800+ articles
- 18 nonfiction books
- 5 novels
- 14 anthologies
- 6 Chicken Soup books
- Columnist for Johnson’s County Gazette
Member American Association of Christian Counselors, Kansas Authors Club, Heart of America Christian Writers Network and the Christian Writers Fellowship.
With years of experience, my greatest joy is helping my clients hold their books in their hands. As a Certified Life Coach, I specialize in Communications – helping Writers birth their Words.
- As a writer, I draw from a lifetime of experience in writing and publishing.
- As a coach, I help other wordsmiths move toward their writing dreams.
- As an editor, I help other writers polish their manuscripts without losing their voices.
- As a speaker, these concepts follow through as I share the best way to Do It Write.
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