Santa Fe Symphony

During my first day in Santa Fe, I noticed the symphony. Not the famous Opera House in Santa Fe, although that is incredible. I’m talking about the symphony that God conducted every day, using the birds he created and placed in New Mexico.

As smooth as a cello, as comforting as a viola and as sweet as the trill of a flute – these Santa Fe birds enthralled me whenever I stepped outside. I am used to the raucous calls of the Kansas blue jays and the warbling of mourning doves. A pair of faithful cardinals often call to me from my deck, so I love listening to the birds that I feed.

But there was something different about these birds in the Land of Enchantment. They actually sang together with melodies that seemed to worship the God who created them. It sounded as if they played a piece of sonata music together – in perfect harmony. And perhaps they did. Maybe each day, God composed another piece, transplanted it into their intuitive voice boxes and lifted his baton.

Wherever I walked, whether close to a tree or crossing a street, the songs of the birds followed me. They seemed to welcome me to their city, as if proud to show it off and sing a tune to accompany my visit.

I expected to hear the chirrups of hummingbirds although it was a bit early in the season for these tiny creatures. But I never expected to hear such joyful songs from birds of the other species. I wish I could have recorded these symphonies – to replay them when the Kansas skies turn gray and winter wipes away thoughts of spring.

For now, I’ll just praise God and thank him for providing such a rich memory. And I’ll look forward to the next time I visit Santa Fe and hope I can once again hear that rich symphonic sound.

Enchanting indeed!

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