In different seasons of life, our spirituality fluctuates. No right or wrong involved. Just the normal ebb and flow that reminds us we are mortal. We may feel condemned as those old legalistic tapes scream, “Where is your joy?”

But the truth is that feelings do not determine what or how we believe. Sometimes when God seems most silent, he is actually hard at work on our behalf.
Thus, the truth of Psalm 57:2, “I will cry to God Most High, who performs on my behalf and rewards me [who brings to pass his purposes for me and surely completes them]” (AMPC).
This silent time is not the dark night of the soul — that cavernous and sorrowful pit where we feel alone and lost. Yet even then — for those who have experienced it — the result may be a cleansing, purifying, detox that results in an even greater measure of faith.
No, this is the sound of silence. When prayers go unanswered, no matter how intensely we voice our pleas. When no inner voice whispers solace. When God is still present, yet mysteriously quiet.
We may feel abandoned, yet we must remember that every relationship has its silent sounds.
A couple may travel miles without speaking a word. Simply enjoying the journey of being together. How many times do we eat a meal with a long-time friend, each chewing thoughtfully? No words spoken.
The same comradeship can happen in our faith journeys. That comfortable knowing when neither God nor we speak. Yet our hearts still bind together. When God is silent, and we have no prayer language. When no actions result from the desires of our hearts.
Do we give up? Nay, nay. This is the time for the deepest faith striving, the strongest beliefs. This is the living example that faith means being certain of what we cannot see. Solid on what we cannot hear. (Hebrews 11:1).
We can know that no matter how silent are the Divine Three, they still have our best in mind. They still live inside us and around us. They still gather our tears in bottles. They still believe in us and cheer for us.
Therefore, we also believe and rest in Hope.
©2022 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved
Sometimes we can deal with the silence as we read a brief meditation. Check out these daily devotions in Day by Day: Hope for Senior Wisdom.
The content of this email spoke profound truth of what my situation (has) been like in the past 13 months..
Your words have comforted me.
Thank you
Thank you for the comment, Debra. I am sorry for the current ‘silence’ you are experiencing, but I know for a certainty God’s grace will carry you through it.
Priceless for me today, and worthy of recalling pretty much every day. Thank you, RJ
Thanks, Jerry – I appreciate your encouragement.
Thank you for sharing this message of hope when all is quiet. You are exactly right about God being hard at work on our behalf when He is silent. This is a message to be shared with others which is what I will do.
Thank you for the encouragement – and for the shares. God is definitely at work.