With the beginning of a new year comes a time for new goals. Short-term goals usually work best, because we more quickly see the results. And micro-steps are more manageable than giant chunky steps.

When I earned my certification as a life Coach with a specialty in Communications, I was excited about the possibilities of helping writers reach their goals. But I underestimated the effect Coaching would have on me, as well as my clients.
It has been a rich and rewarding experience, and I want to help as many writers as possible. Because I believe in the power of words. Because I have seen how beneficial Coaching can be.
So why does a writer need a writing Coach?
To Help Set Boundaries. To be productive, writers need to set boundaries around their writing time and determine their writing space. Environment is important for the creative juices to work well. Time management is one of the major ways writers become productive or get lost in procrastination.
A Coach helps you set the boundaries that will underscore your commitment to write and find the best way to reach those goals.
To Keep You Accountable. All writers can be distracted by the circumstances of life — many of which can feel insurmountable. An effective Coach understands how life can interrupt us. But a professional Coach also sees the root of the problem which can often be overcome.
As we work on various projects, we can easily lose motivation and momentum. Your Coach keeps you accountable to the goals you have set and encourages you to keep moving forward.
To Increase Your Focus. Creatives struggle to remain focused, because our minds are constantly working and moving in different directions. New ideas beg to be explored. New plot lines threaten to undermine the theme of the story. Even something as simple as an email notification can derail writing plans for the day.
Your Coach helps you remain focused on your work in progress. The Coach keeps solid records about the progress of each client and knows where to guide the discussion for each session.
To Avoid Isolation. COVID taught us about the dangers of isolation, and mental health professionals constantly warn against the mental and emotional cracks when loneliness overwhelms us. Although many creatives are introverts, the isolation of the writing life can lead to discouragement and/or writing blocks.
Your Coach regularly meets with you and becomes the friendly face on the screen. Or if possible, meeting in person can delete those lonely feelings. Regular sessions can help you avoid any of the creativity-blocking isolation symptoms.
To Offer Resources. The productive writer is a life-long learner, and the effective Coach studies and offers various resources that will help each client. Resources might include: social media tips, articles, brainstorming book titles, opportunities for conferences, links to contests, marketing tools, publishing options, etc.
Since I am also a published author (26 books and counting, plus 800+ articles), I have experienced the value of multiple resources in my toolbox. I am glad to share these with my clients so that we can all benefit.
To Celebrate Victories. Isn’t it great to have friends who celebrate with us when something wonderful happens? Your Coach can be one of those people who comes alongside to pat you on the back and says, “Way to go!”
Because I work hard to help my clients succeed, it feels like a double victory when a book is published, an article is accepted, or a conference leads to a contract. I truly love being the cheerleader for my clients.
To Encourage You During the Downers. Although we all love a victory, sometimes we can stumble over discouragement. Rejection is a side effect of the writing life, and nothing hurts like working months on a project, only to have it rejected.
Your Coach becomes a listening ear and your confidential encourager when you feel down. An effective Coach helps lift you up so you can consider the failures as learning opportunities and move forward.
To Invest in Your Career. As you work with your Coach, you become more of a credible writer. Just as we train for careers and take classes to become experts in our field, the investment in Coaching strengthens our desire to learn more and become better scribes.
Of course, it costs money, time, and energy to hire a Coach. But most Coaches also have a Coach, because they know the value of the investment. Some of my clients have been working with me 10+ years. The investment pays off in published books, monthly royalties, and successful book signings.
To Receive Discounts. My clients receive several kinds of discounts including fees for Coaching Groups, Writing Retreats that I host, and Editing fees. Since I am also an editor, I can objectively help my clients hone their craft and polish their manuscripts. These discounts add up over time and prove that the investment pays.
To Meet Deadlines. At the beginning of every quarter, my clients set their goals. We constantly review those goals and determine the steps needed to meet them. We celebrate successes, work to conquer the challenges, and settle on action points to prioritize. Your Coach helps you reach those important deadlines so your progress is clear and consistent.
So . . . what are you waiting for? It’s a new year. Now is the time for all of us to set our goals and write our stories. Begin our blogs and outline the next book. I have a limited number of slots available for new clients. Contact me now at: [email protected].
©2024 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved
Check out Write and Share Your Story: Creating Your Personal Experience Article. Then contact me for motivation to get that article published.
I can add a hearty “amen” to Rebecca’s message about the need for a writing coach. Her coaching services were recommended to me when I was greatly depressed during my wife’s descent into dementia. With her help, I wrote “Confronting Dementia: A Husband’s Journey as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver.” Since then, I have written other books she has reviewed and edited. Hopefully, they will be as helpful to others as Rebecca’s services have been helpful to me.
Thanks, Stu. I appreciate it.