Have you ever felt as if you would like to just go somewhere and hide for a while? To play an adult version of hide-and-seek, but hope no one comes to find you?

I imagine celebrities often feel this way. In fact, some of the more famous folks hide out in the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in my spiritual home of Santa Fe, NM. Carol Burnett. Robert Redford. Julia Cameron. Natalie Goldberg. The recently deceased Gene Hackman and his wife found a type of peace living in the Land of Enchantment.
Because our world is inundated with the ugliness of social media, it is difficult to hide ourselves. Even if we try to post something positive, it can be misconstrued and attacked. Heaven help us if we dare to post a political opinion! The right to free speech feels more like an invitation to the ugliness of the opposition.
The Psalmist also felt this type of alienation as he hid in the caves of the Promised Land. Tried to find safety from a psychopathic king and his enemies from the various people groups of that culture. David was literally running for his life and afraid of what might happen if someone found him.
But in verse eight, he realizes how God hides him in the palm of his hand. How the Almighty assists him by opening a cave, then concealing the entrance. How his buddies surround him with swords and spears. How the birds of the air become food for his army.
David sings his faith with the line, “I am only a spectator — inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High.” (Psalm 91:8 Amplified).
To be inaccessible — what a lovely place to feel safely hidden! To be so far removed from the ugliness of society that we feel almost invisible. To be intentional about turning off the news and instead — playing a praise tape with its focus on the protective power of God.
Sometimes I wonder if all the chaos of these days is really an altar call to the universal Church. To remind us that Jesus should be our one true king. Not a politician or an entrepreneur. That the One who gave his life to give us eternity should be the focus of our posts. Not the rantings of hate-filled pop culture.
One of my clients is working on her first book. She wrote a line and gave me permission to use it. “Chaos and destruction are inseparable from creation.” Cudos to Heather Palmer. Watch for her book, coming later in 2025.
Perhaps we are seeing the destruction of our current society so that God can create something better for the Church. Something Jesus foresaw in John 17: 9-10, “My plea is not for the world but for those you have given me because they belong to you. And all of them, since they are mine, belong to you, and you have given them back to me with everything else of yours, and so they are my glory.” (TLB)
I don’t know what God is doing, but I do know that God protects his children — those who are true Jesus followers. They belong to God, and somehow — someday — God will work out his plan that will be amazingly good. Not based on hate, but always seasoned with love.
In the meantime, I want to be safely hidden and inaccessible.
©2025 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved
Image Attribution: Alanajordan / Pixabay
Hide away and spend some time away from the ugliness. Check out this devotional book: Embracing Life with Hope: Daily Encouragement for Your Spiritual Journey.
Yesterday I had a little fun writing about national anthems. I suppose they are not about hiding away somewhere but seek to lift up the masses through poetry set to music. The Star-Spangled Banner has always bothered me, because it is far too reflective of glorious victory in war. God Save the King puts way too much emphasis on a mortal autocrat. So I made a pitch for America the Beautiful and the British Jerusalem. Bates’ lyrics written atop Pikes Peak and Blake’s lyrics favoring the beauty of the English landscape with the teachings of Jesus surrounding it are both more inspiring to me. Especially as we live through the insane antics of our Psychopath-in-Chief now reveling in lies, and pitiful aspirations of power.
Thanks for the comment, Stu.
I struggle between wanting to hide and a call to be aware of and speak out against the inequities of our time. I feel a deep need to know what is happening to those who have no voice in our society and to speak out to my legislative representatives. But, I am also depressed and want to hide from the reality of what is being done by our President to people here and abroad. So, my calling is to witness what is happening and not to hide.
There are millions of people who feel as you do. My response is to write. I write much about what Christ taught us, that we love and value each other. Above all, that we allow caring inclusiveness to guide our own actions and beliefs. An egocentric politician who only creates chaos and confusion is no leader. The result of his actions will right themselves in time. Write what you stand for and believe. Share it with others. Together we will prevail.
“The right to free speech feels more like an invitation to the ugliness of the opposition. . “(if) all the chaos of these days is really an altar call to the universal Church.” A couple phrases worthy of pondering!