I Heard the Bells
What is the tragedy that birthed the carol, ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day’?
An essay about the carol, O Come O Come Immanuel. How Christmas carols bring hope.
Finding Hope with a Christmas Carol Read More »
As the calendar flips closer to Thanksgiving, I consider the last gasp of autumn — this season I enjoy with its colors and textures, the downward dance of the leaves, my walks in the crisp air. In my journal, I record the sights and sounds so that in the cold misery of winter — I
Gratitude Attitudes Read More »
Words matter. And words have a definite meaning that affect how we understand life. Lately, I have heard several top-notch athletes, coaches, and sportscasters incorrectly use the word ‘adversity.’ Now, I love sports. I watch a variety of games, matches, and championships. I was an athlete in four different sports, and I understand how sports
The True Meaning of ‘Adversity’ Read More »
As I waited for the mechanic to finish the oil change, he entered through a side door and said, “Your filters are dirty. Do you want us to change them?” “Sure. Might as well, since I’m already here.” The variety of filters in our cars have one basic role: to catch any impurities and make
Living with Clean Filters Read More »
He was young and bright — this college student who wanted to pursue creative writing. We met at a local coffee shop, two creatives sharing a gift, though decades apart in age. The hazelnut blend he drank mellowed the atmosphere while I played with the tail end of my English Breakfast tea bag. He took
Asking the Hard Questions Read More »
In last week’s post, we considered the mystery word ‘Selah’ and how it can lead us to a type of rest. This week, we’ll discover more about the different categories of rest. Throughout the years, I have studied many articles and books which taught me how to experience several types of rest. I needed to
Once upon a time, the people who lived by faith followed a certain creed — a statement of faith. On Sunday mornings, they often repeated the Apostles Creed during worship service. It was a reminder of their value system, the culture of belief they followed together. Something tangible to carry with them throughout the week
Finding Your Creed Read More »
As I sat on my front porch, I watched the kids play in the cul-de-sac. One black kid, two whites, and three Latinos — two girls, four boys. They squealed with laughter, ran in circles, kidded each other like typical children enjoying an autumn evening. Far from the murders caused by racism. Completely removed from
When Diversity Welcomes Hope Read More »
During a recent writing retreat, I taught a workshop about the word ‘Selah.’ Words are the tools of a wordsmith, but to create stories, we need to know what our words mean and how to properly use them. Especially in faith organizations, the word ‘Selah’ often surfaces. But no one actually knows its true meaning.
The Meaning of a Mystery Word Read More »