An Alcoholic Grandfather Finds Hope

Today I welcome a guest post by Sharon Garlock Spiegel, author of the newly-released book, “Generations.”  


Edward Garlock’s progression from a fun-loving kid at age nine—to a raging abusive drunk at age forty-four didn’t happen overnight. His craving for alcohol escalated and his personality deteriorated. 

While his wife prayed for him, his children feared him and the town mocked him. Even cronies who spent hours in the tavern with him spoke ill of him behind his back.

His expertise in handling horses could have brought in a fortune to take care of his ever-growing family. But he was ruled by an insatiable thirst that drained him of his finances and his integrity.

Then one day, Edward attended a camp meeting conducted by Maria Woodworth Etter. He was amazed at the mercy and power of God. Edward met Christ and knelt at the foot of the cross. He then believed God for anything and everything. His life was turned completely around by divine intervention.

However, neighbors and associates labeled him a fanatic. The gossipmongers of Woodbury, Connecticut, laughed openly as they ridiculed him and his new-found faith. His own father, a well-respected veterinarian, would not speak to him. 

Human nature. Who can understand it? To be held captive by addiction—lashing out violently at those he loved….or labeled a fanatic—trusting and believing God.

Rejection of family and friends hurts, even when you’re trusting wholly in God. 

But it did not deter Edward Garlock from staying true to the one who rescued him from a life of misery and destruction. 

The change was real, and his experience was authentic. But the mockers never stopped. 

Over and over, Edward saw the miraculous happen in his life and in others. But the price to pay was total surrender and trust in God. 

I’m so glad my grandfather, Edward Garlock—along with my grandmother, Jessie May Garlock—chose the “fanatical road” which led them away from the road to destruction.

Sharon Garlock Spiegel

Sharon Garlock Spiegel is an Assembly of God minister, school administrator, and self-described ‘Missouri Yankee.’ She keeps busy pastoring, teaching, and being a wife, mother and grandmother. Still, one of her favorite activities is writing with purpose, sharing things that bless others. She and Roger, her husband of nearly fifty years, live in western Missouri and have three children, fourteen grandchildren and two cats.

0 thoughts on “An Alcoholic Grandfather Finds Hope”

  1. Hi! Thank you for your posts and emails that you pass along. If you come across other alcohol and other drug related articles, DVD’s that might influence the DWI/DUI court cases that I work with (most are men from the ages of 20 to 40) please pass them on. Teresa

    On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:09 AM,

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