Hope Within Calendar Pages

As we approach the holidays, this year draws to a close. What happened to move us so quickly through 2014?

This week, I drove to an office supply store to buy a refill for my planner – new calendar pages for 2015. As I sorted and refilled my planner, I glanced back at the activities of 2014:book w- confetti

  • Speaking events
  • Visits to Mom in assisted living, trying to endure the Alzheimer’s journey
  • Writing ideas
  • Meetings at work – GateWay of Hope
  • Grocery lists
  • Meetings with Coaching Clients
  • Birthdays, anniversaries and special dates for family and friends
  • More prayer requests

With all the lists and all the activities, I wondered – did I faithfully follow God this year or was I just busy? Did I make the most of every opportunity to show the love of God to others? Did my work make a difference in the lives of the people I met? How did God answer my prayers?

Then I noticed a gap in my list of activities. Except for a few meetings with friends and the week of family vacation, what did I do for fun? Plenty of activities involved work, but precious few included days of joy.

How can I change that pattern in 2015?

I’m always telling my clients to not put undo pressure on themselves but to relax and find some time for fun.

Author and Coach RJ Thesman, heal thyself.

Fun activities make us better writers, more able to deal with the stresses of life when we encounter and nurture creative joy. We all need a few moments to decompress and just be.

My old calendar pages disappeared in the trash while the new pages took their place. Yes, I already have events scheduled for 2015, so I carefully penciled them in along with birthdays, anniversaries and important dates for family and friends.

I also vowed to make each calendar day something for good, but for Pete’s sake – to have more fun!

What are you doing for fun?

Β©2014 RJ Thesman – β€œIntermission for Reverend G” – http://amzn.to/1l4oGoo

0 thoughts on “Hope Within Calendar Pages”

  1. As a person whom you have coached, supported, and encouraged, I thank you for encouraging me to carve out fun time just for me. Wed. nights are for me since my husband works late (I still haven’t found a choir to join). I hope last Friday night was fun for you. I am praying for you to do the same: carve out some fun! God bless your day and week and holiday season!

    1. Isn’t it funny, Debbie, how I can so easily encourage others to have fun – but for me, it’s tough to make it happen. Yes, I did have fun last Friday night and the neck rub was heavenly! I just have to be more intentional and now that I’ve blogged about it and it’s all over the world wide web – I need to be accountable!

      1. I saw something you posted that you were going to have fun watching the KU game. Well, I hope it was fun even though they were creamed. πŸ™

  2. That is a really great reminder. Whenever I think about how important it is to carve out time to relax and enjoy life, I am reminded of Mark 6:31.

    There in Scripture, Jesus said, β€œLet’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” If Jesus said it, it must be good!

  3. I’ve considered when we met for coffee a time of fun. Hope you have time for more of these in 2015. And yes…I’ve had to schedule fun into my days, so I truly understand why this concept speaks to you. It is easy to work on the task list and forget FUN!

    1. Those were fun times for me, Jan, as well and I hope we can schedule more of them in 2015. I always have fun with you but I always learn something, too, about how you do faith so well – a great combination.

      1. You always challenge me in Faith. It is a good challenge. Fun is harder for some than others. SIGH I’m one of those that finds FUN harder, but when I do have fun I laugh and enjoy myself. Hey…that seems like a great motivator!!! LOL Right now I’m having a great cup of tea and doing a little bit of relaxing. Not exactly fun, but definitely not work.

  4. HI RJ,
    Good advice!
    I want to read about your fun times!
    Picking blueberries. Visiting New Mexico. Sharing time with your friends.
    Praying for a full calendar of FUN, too in 2015!
    Amy xx

  5. With the sudden and unexpected death of my cousin last month I realized that I haven’t spent enough time with the women in my family. We’re all so busy taking care of our families and friends that we miss spending time laughing together. So, I decided to host ‘Girl Time’ at my house every Friday afternoon (12:30-4:30) through the end of the year. My hope is that I will get to see the women I love and have one afternoon of fun! Thanks for this blog, Rebecca. I love it!

    1. What a great idea, Shannon – girl time with friends! It’s always so great having a bunch of incredible women together. I’m so sorry about your cousin. I didn’t know. May God wrap all of you in His comforting arms.

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