CrossRiver Media Author Hunt – Stop # 1

Welcome to Stop # 1 on the CrossRiver Author HuntCR Author Hunt Pic

After you read my blog post I wrote just for you today, feel free to peruse my site and get to know me a bit, then enter the giveaway at the bottom of the blog post. Join my email list at  and answer the question I’ll give you below and you will receive a PDF of the “7 Tips for Caregivers.”

Before you head over to the next stop, collect the clue at the bottom of the post. You’ll need it to enter the drawing for CrossRiver Media’s giveaway.

Grand Prize:

One winner will receive a Kindle, loaded with CrossRiver books! The winner will be chosen randomly from among those who enter the correct phrase.

Other Prizes:

Four winners will receive hard copies of 3 different CrossRiver books, signed by the author !

My blog started several years ago as a way to encourage people who were going through a tough time. Then my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and the life of our family changed.

As I blogged through my feelings, my blog became a bit more focused on providing encouragement to caregivers. But all of my original readers weren’t dealing with Alzheimer’s, so I decided to focus on the topic of “Finding Hope When Life Unravels.”

You’ll find posts about Alzheimer’s here as well as other encouragements and some of my own personal journey.

During November, which is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, I’m posting about the topic: “What Alzheimer’s Cannot Do.”

I hope you’ll join me here and sign up for my monthly newsletter which features my writing life and my speaking events centered around the Reverend G trilogy. These novels are published by CrossRiver Media and include:

For my part in this Scavenger Hunt, I would love to send you a PDF version of the “7 Tips for Caregivers.” This is one of my speaking topics and an example of something you could share with a caregiver.

So how do you get this informative PDF? Sign up for my newsletter at

Then…in the comments section of this post, answer this question: How do you encourage caregivers, especially those who deal with an Alzheimer’s patient?

If you already subscribe to my newsletter, make a note in your comment. After the CrossRiver Author Hunt, I will be sending out a special edition of my newsletter, containing the  free PDF for all those who leave a comment.

 Thank you for stopping by during the CrossRiver Author Hunt!

Before you go to the next stop, collect your clue below. You’ll need this to enter the giveaway on the CrossRiver website.


Next stop on the CrossRiver Author Hunt:

Have you stumbled onto the Author Hunt or forgotten what you’re supposed to do next?

  • Visit every author’s site that is part of the hunt
  • Collect the clue provided at each author blog
  • Sign up for each author’s email list / newsletter for extra chances at fun giveaways
  • Stop back at the CrossRiver Media’s website after you visit the last blog in the hunt and enter your clues for a chance to win the grand prize
  • Click here for a complete list of the rules

Happy Hunting!

0 thoughts on “CrossRiver Media Author Hunt – Stop # 1”

  1. Ciao! I didn’t know there was an awareness month for Alzheimer, but it’s great to know that. Funnily, I wrote a very short post on it a little while ago, because I truly think that this disease deserves more attention. Thank you, and off I go to check out your blog!

  2. Hi, Rebecca! I’m already on your email list. What I do to encourage caregivers is to simply listen to their stories. Whether recounting unexpected joys or chronic frustrations, I just listen. No advice unless specifically solicited. An active listening ear, lots of time, and silent prayers constantly directed to our loving Father.

  3. Pingback: 2015 CrossRiver Author Hunt

  4. Since we have not experienced Alzheimer’s in my family, I let people know about your blog and your books. I already get your blog posts.

  5. I read the first Reverend G book, and now I need to read the next two. I liked the way you approached a serious subject, but also injected compassion and humor into it.

  6. What fun! An author scavenger hunt. Now that I understand what I need to do–I’ve off to visit the next author’s page. R.J., you already have my address. Blessings!

  7. My mother was just diagnosed by Mayo Clinic with Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease. They say Lewy Body Dementia is the second highest dementia compared to Alzheimers. They say Lewy Body Dementia is often misdiagnosed as Alzheimers.

    From personal experience, a caregiver needs a chance to talk and share without judgement or condemnation. Therefore, I encourage my father who is my mother’s caregiver by allowing him to talk freely. I don’t become defensive about my Mom.
    I support him by offering to stay with Mom so he can leave the house without feeling worried or concerned. I will also provide meals so he doesn’t have to cook.

    A caregiver deals with multiple instances throughout the day of items being moved or their loved one throwing the items away. Just as toddlers ask the same question repeatedly, a dementia patient will too. Sometimes within a time span of 5 minutes.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis. My father was diagnosed with trauma-induced dementia and so many of the symptoms are the same as Alzheimer’s. You are so correct that caregivers need to talk and share. I’m glad you are available to encourage your father. Blessings as you walk through this journey.

  8. Patricia Angelici

    So far I have Alzheimer’s has not touched my life. It is good to know there are resources out there should the time arise when I need some support or know someone that needs support.

    1. I hope and pray, Patricia, that Alzheimer’s will never touch your life. But with 5.4 million sufferers – just in America – and over 43 million caregivers – it’s possible that at some point someone you know will need your support and encouragement. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. I am a caregiver and so is my mom. I have been an encourager and helper to a families who had family members with Alzheimers. Mostly I tried to be there to help and give them a break.

  10. I think when you’re trying to encourage a caregiver of a loved one, whether the loved one has physical problems, Alzheimers, or another form of dementia, you need to remind them it’s okay to take time for themselves. If the care-giver loses their health, who takes care of them? I learned this the hard way.

    1. You are so right! In fact, that is one of the tips in the pdf I’ll be sending you. Caregivers need to take care of themselves. 70% of caregivers go through some type of depression. In fact, sometimes caregivers DO pass away before the Alzheimer’s patient and stress is a big factor. Thank you for your comment. May you be encouraged today.

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