Seeking Hope After Christmas

Because I love Christmas, it is always a bittersweet challenge to pack up everything, tape the boxes closed and carry Christmas to the basement.mantel after Xmas

I simply cannot endure the thought of an entire year before I pull out the twinkle lights, caress my angel collection and replay memories associated with the ornaments.

This Christmas was especially difficult as my son had to work through the holidays. I missed being with him as I remembered Christmases past and the excitement of a little boy discovering his first drum set, a giant box of Legos and a package of plastic army men.

This Christmas also brought more confusion for my mother. Her Alzheimer’s side effects seem to peak during the holidays, when I long for her to remember the daughter she sewed for, the special box of books she placed under the tree with my name on the tag, my excitement when I opened that box and knew I would soon be transported into the mysterious world of Nancy Drew.

This year, Mom didn’t even remember that Dad now lives in heaven. Our quality time was nonexistent, and when I drove her back to assisted living – she argued about living there. She couldn’t even remember why someone had given her presents.

So to preserve some joy of the season, I rearranged my pearl lights on the mantel and merged winter accessories with pine cone candles. Just a touch of Christmas to lessen the loss.

But I needed more. I have learned the best way to preserve the joy of Christmas is to proactively use my Christmas cards. I keep them in a pile beside my Bible, then each morning throughout January and February, I choose one card and pray for that person or the family that sent the card.

I remember special friends and family members, clients and colleagues by reminding God of their importance in my life, lifting up their needs to the only one who can fulfill them.

It helps me tolerate the cold fingers of winter as I focus on the warm love of the God who transcends every season and time.

So as we move into 2016, let’s all try to find more tangible ways to seek hope.

Then next year during Christmas, we can celebrate with extra joy.

©2016 RJ Thesman – Author of the Reverend G books


0 thoughts on “Seeking Hope After Christmas”

  1. Good morning! I wanted to let you know I appreciate your blog. I’ve nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. You can find out more about the award on my blog. Thank you for making a difference. And thank you for sharing your mother’s story.

  2. Hope once again conveyed with poignancy and warmth. An excellent reminder of the things that matter and of the ‘forward look vital to our Joy. Thank you.

  3. As always R.J. your words are seasoned with the Love of the Savior who keeps us in difficult and confusing times. Because of my circumstances, I didn’t have a place to put up the Christmas Tree for my 10 year old grandson. It is the first time ever that has happened. No matter, My husband and I bit down the emotion and said, all will be well. Parker and her sisters made sure that my grandson had a wonderful Christmas, with a Christmas tree. God is still good. Then on the day after Christmas, I had to rush my husband to the ER and he spent 5 days in the hospital. I just sat quietly during those days without him close to me and reflected on our lives so far. He is better now and out of the hospital, but missing him made me pray better for the things that matter. When it comes to 2016, I remember the words of a song that says, “He who holds the future, He also holds my hand”. You are constantly in my prayers.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers and comments. I am so glad your husband is now feeling better and that God once again showed his faithfulness to your family. Blessings on your 2016!

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