In our crazy world of broken promises, it is soothing to know we can depend on one source of truth. God has never broken any of his covenant promises.

Some of his hope-filled words are recorded within the general principles of the Bible. “I will never leave you or forsake you. I will be your Comforter. I will show you the path to take. I will be your guide.”
Although the timing for these promises varies, and even the seasons of life sometimes interrupt their forward movement—when God says something and underscores it with a repeat—it will eventually happen.
But the promises that mean the most to me are the certainties that create the a-ha moments of spiritual awakening. They are not recorded in the holy scriptures.
Instead, they are the divine whispers during discouraging nights and dry spiritual deserts. The words that keep me living in hope even when tentacles of fear tighten.
When I walked through the pain of divorce, God spoke his personal promise for my son and me, “There will be hard times ahead, but I will meet every need.”
Even through extended months of unemployment, the scary moves away from comfort zones, the horror of watching my son suffer with cancer—through it all—the reminder of God’s whisper kept me breathing.
“I will meet every need.”
In miraculously beautiful moments recorded in my journals and kept ensconced in my heart, God’s sacred promises proved true.
Every. Single. Need. Was. Met.
Jobs suddenly appeared from unusual sources. Cars were given through the generosity of good people. The healing of my son—thank you, Jesus! My own emotional, spiritual, and physical healings. Money that somehow appeared. God’s math proving different from mine as he made money poof into existence from a negative balance.
Friendships were spawned in the cusp of brokenness. Housing was provided—one of my constant prayers, “Please God, don’t let us be homeless.” A beautiful townhome where we healed for four years. Gardens where God and I created beautiful color and bountiful food—together.
Much, much more. Every. Single. Need. Always and Forever. Met.
But as sweet as the confirmation of God’s words streamed the credibility of the One who made the promise. His whisper foreshadowed holiness because it originated from the source of love. Our covenant made stronger because of the strength of the Speaker.
During a recent spiritual desert as I awaited the resolution of another promise, I listened again for the One who has seared my heart with his grace.
“I will meet every need.” No quantity of time assigned to his statement. Just an eternal assurance that the One who spoke the words would never violate his covenant.
He would meet current needs as he has in the past, because he cannot and will not change. His promise is forever sealed within the identity of Who he is.
And in the identity of this divine three-in-One lies the source of hope. Meeting my needs—and yours— for another stream of hope.
©2022 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved
Look for those promises in Day by Day: Hope for Senior Wisdom.
In this season He whispers to me ‘ Do not give up. ‘ He is carrying me. Yes His promises are true!
‘Do not give up’ – love it! He is trusting you to persevere.
Sorry that you had another spiritual desert. But grateful He resolved it.
Actually, this desert was several years ago. This post was a reprint from Hope Shines. Thanks for the comment.