Psalm 91 Series Intro – Serenity

During the last weeks of 2024, I started my mornings with Robert J. Morgan’s book, The Lord is my Shepherd: Resting in the Peace and Power of Psalm 23. Morgan takes each word of this beloved Psalm  and infuses it with anecdotes from his own sheep-herding experiences.

mountain scene of serenity with aqua blue lake, pine tree and rocks in the foreground

The focus and spiritual exercise of studying this Psalm brought me into 2025 with a fresh perspective. How we can trust the Shepherd of our souls to lead us through every challenge and every valley. How an ancient occupation is still fresh today.

Psalm 91 is my Psalm for this year, particularly verses 5 and 8. So I decided to follow Morgan’s example and share with you what I am learning within a blog post series targeting just a few verses at a time.

According to Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, Psalm 91 has a focus on security. “All those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under his protection and may therefore preserve a holy serenity at all times.” (The Matthew Henry Commentary by Zondervan)

Like many women, security is one of my core values, so I like Henry’s explanation about being constantly safe.

King David would have found this type of security especially valid as he was so often running for his life and hiding from his enemies.

But it is also the idea of holy serenity that underscores the theme of this Psalm for me. To live my life in that place of peace where fears have no effect on my mindset. No interruption or distraction from a devoted heart which is focused on my Shepherd and therefore — serene.

A lovely definition of serenity explains it well, “The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.” (Oxford

Sort of reminds me of the Divine Shepherd/Man who urged his followers, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

A journaling prompt might be: What are you troubled about? How can you return to the state of serenity? How can you keep the sacred balance between life’s circumstances and being untroubled?

Peace comes when we are intentional about finding serenity even when our security feels threatened. When the chaos of life makes us wonder who is really in control. When circumstances temporarily throw us off track. Even then.

We can return to communion with our Shepherd God and ask for extra security. Like a child who falls asleep in his mother’s arms, we can rest in that safety and in the faith that believes all is well.

So let’s dig into Psalm 91 together and share with each other how we are staying focused in 2025 with a holy serenity. Let me know what you think in the comments.

©2025 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved

Image Attribution: egmuri / Pixabay

For additional devotions, check out Embracing Life with Hope: Daily Encouragement for your Spiritual Journey.

4 thoughts on “Psalm 91 Series Intro – Serenity”

  1. Chapter 16 in The Gift of Empathy discusses the spiritual side of empathy. We are discussing it tonight. I’ve noticed the HPC men are less inclined to view our church’s problems in terms of tangibles and more interested in achieving the serenity that comes from love and understanding.

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