Typically, my blog posts cover the topics of hope, caregiving or the writing craft. But 2020 has forced me into a more reflective and almost urgent mood.
For all of us, this year has been difficult. For those who have lost loved ones to COVID — tragic. The grief and certain PTSD will continue into the next years. Who knows what long-term effects we will suffer.
But even on the darkest days, hope has continued to sing. Good people have done good things. Creativity has thrived as new ventures, unusual business openings and neighborly deeds have encouraged us.

Positive memes on Facebook. The gift of beauty encapsulated in music and the arts. So many people trying hard to create something good out of this chaos.
Imagine then what life would be like if all the good — every shred of it — was gone. No caring healthcare workers. No sweet lullabies at night. No kindness of any kind.
This horrific description foreshadows hell. The place of eternal torment will not have a speck of decency, no light or goodness in any form. Only the darkest, most tormenting creatures in a place completely devoid of anything or anyone good.
And no way of escape. Forever.
This tragic place does exist and will become the final destination for people who ignore God’s plea. But it doesn’t have to end that way.
“Let me love you,” God cries. “Let me save you.”
Eventually, we will all die. We will face the consequences of our choices and step into eternity. We will meet God.
For those who have ignored him throughout life, the problems of 2020 will seem mild compared to a forever without any of God’s beauty, goodness or love.
Those who have embraced and accepted God’s offer of love will be invited into the most glorious place — far away from hell or any of its evil. No COVID. No sickness of any kind. No despair. No loneliness.
Only light and love and goodness. Forever.
We cannot always choose what happens to us. But we CAN choose the final direction we will go.
God has not abandoned us during this pandemic. He is still calling out, wanting to save us. He does not want anyone to suffer the horrid effects of hell.
He wants to pour hope into our hearts and give us something to look forward to.
God gave us the formula long ago. One word. Believe.
To open our minds and heart to the possibility that something better exists. But God’s better world is filled only with holiness — a sacred place of perfection.
God knew none of us would be perfect yet his home — his heaven — is populated only with goodness and perfection.
How in the world can we get there?
God sent the best representative possible — his son. Jesus lived a perfect life, so God allowed him to become our substitute. He paid the penalty for all the wrong things we have done and all the ways we have ignored God.
Jesus already did the hard work. That’s why he said, “It is finished.” He gives us the ticket for entrance into heaven.
Now all we have to do is believe it. If we accept this truth and believe it, then Jesus begins a personal relationship with us. We become children of God. And as family members — we will spend our eternity with God in heaven.
It’s so easy. All you have to do is say something like, “I believe you love me, God. Thank you for sending Jesus to pay my ticket into heaven. I’m sorry I’ve ignored you in the past, but now I want to be in your family.”
If you really mean it, then it is finished. You will not have to worry about a hell worse than 2020. You will have something much better to look forward to.
Please think about it. Time is short. I hope you’ll be with me in heaven.
©2020 RJ Thesman – All Rights Reserved
If you want to learn more about this topic, check out Uploading Faith. A Millennial and a Baby Boomer wrote it together — my son and me.