The Library Sale

Every few months, my local library has a Friends of the Library Book Sale. Although I really don’t NEED any more books, just try to keep me away from a sale where I can buy a book for 50 cents.

Recently, I joined other book worms at our local sale and soon filled my arms with several treasures: the biography of Kathleen Norris – one of my favorite writers, another copy of “Secrets of the Vine” – because I am always giving that one away, Nora Ephron’s “I Feel Bad About My Neck” – because I always wanted to read it and now that she has passed – I feel obligated to read it in her memory.

I also found another one of Lilian Jackson Braun’s Cat Who mysteries which are always fun. By the way, the cats always solve the mysteries. One of David Jeremiah’s books about grace because I’m still trying to wrap my heart around the whole concept of grace. And a couple of other books that just sounded interesting.books - lib sale

As I checked out, I told the elderly woman at the desk about my book. “I’m a writer, too,” I said, “so I read all the time. You know, we have to inhale in order to exhale.”

“Oh, yes,” she said, then asked about my book.

So I had another marketing opportunity, the chance to give her my card and tell her about Reverend G.

Who knows? Maybe this library sale will not only give me another wonderful stack of books but will become the impetus for someone else to read about Reverend G and the God she serves.

Maybe that lovely woman with a halo of white hair will check out my book and find hope.

©2013 RJ Thesman – “The Unraveling of Reverend G” –

0 thoughts on “The Library Sale”

  1. binnie stanislav

    Hi Rebecca, Good to read your writing this morning! Actually it is afternoon, I see by the clock. Tell me about Reverend G. Is that a book you have written? Where may I purchase a copy? I am a writer of sorts. Poems, when inspired, letters on occasion, in the past when I was more involved in Ladies Ministry – articles for the Ladies’ Newsletter. I was interested to read the list of books that you purchased from the library. Is this a public library? Interesting that they have books by David Jeremiah.

    I just finished a most compelling book by Bodie Thoene In My Father’s House , number 1 in The Shiloh Legacy. Since we have those in our bookcase I know that Jerry read it. He didn’t read at all when we got married 55 years ago, but in self defense he began because I was such a reader. (Altho he was a senior in college at the time.) So over the years we had many good discussions over books we were reading. I wish I could have discussed this one with him. Last night I read late to finish number 1, then immediately picked up the next one in the series. Couldn’t wait to see where it was going.

    I have been too busy today to pick it up again. Cleaning day………..I have a delightful lady who comes once a
    week to rescue me. Friends who have been staying with me the last two months moved out last nite. They lost their home in the May tornado. Since that happened to us in 2003 I do understand. Now the friends have a lovely new home and are ready for a new chapter.

    I see my comment has turned into a blog! God bless you, Rebecca. You are a blessing to so many. In Christ’s love,Binnie Stanislav
    week to rescue me. Friends who have been staying with me the last two months
    moved out last nite. Their home was hit by the May tornado and unlivable. But now they have a new home, thankfully. Since that happened to us in 2003 I do understand how hard it is.

    1. So wonderful to hear from you, Binnie, and I remember that you liked to write. Yes, my book is “the Unraveling of Reverend G” – about a woman minister who is diagnosed with Alzheimers, checks into assisted living and has all sorts of adventures. One of the characters is a chaplain, so you’ll be able to relate. The book is available on Amazon at .

      I have also read “In My Father’s House” and several years ago, I attended a writers’ conference where Bodie and Brock Thoene were the keynote speakers. Very exciting!

      I think of you often and pray for continued comfort and the arms of Father God around you.

    1. Good to know that you’ve read the book. Maybe after I read it, we can compare notes and find a way to understand that wonderful, inexplicable “grace” thing.

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